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- /*Tutorial 2 for AWNPipe*/
- call setdefaults()
- call buildgui()
- do while ~eof(ca)
- in= readln(ca)
- parse var in in1 in2 in3 in4 .
- if in1='gadget' then call gadget()
- if in1='menu' then call menu()
- if in1='close' then call windowclosed()
- end
- exit
- gadget:
- if in2=agegad then age=in3 Close
- if in2=sexgad then sex=in3
- if in2=knogad then knowledge=in3
- if in2=basgad then basic=in3
- if in2=aregad then arexx=in3
- if in2=cgad then c=in3
- if in2=asmgad then asm=in3
- /* the return from a string gadget is parsed differently since it can be more
- then 1 word. */
- if in2=namegad then do
- parse var in . . in3
- name=in3
- end
- if in2=dongad then do
- call printdata()
- exit
- end
- if in2=resgad then do
- call close(ca)
- call setdefaults()
- call buildgui()
- end
- if in2=cangad then do
- say 'user canceled'
- exit
- end
- return
- windowclosed:
- say 'User aborted with CTRL BackSlash or closed window.'
- exit
- return
- menu:
- /* menu 0 is just informational so can be ignored */
- if in2=1 then do
- if in3=0 then call printdata()
- if in3=1 then do
- if in4=0 then say 'name' name 'age' age 'sex' sex
- if in4=1 then say 'knowledge' knowledge 'basic' basic 'arexx' arexx 'c' c 'asm' asm
- end
- end
- return
- setdefaults:
- name='unset'
- age=30
- sex=0
- knowledge=0
- basic=0
- c=0
- asm=0
- arexx=0
- return
- buildgui:
- /* Open pipe 'tut2' with GUI creation option '/xc' */
- call open(ca,"awnpipe:tut2/xc")
- /* define the window */
- /* The first line oF every GUI is the window definition. The window is titled
- "Tutorial 2" and its elements will be laid out verticaly (v). It has a
- closegadget (cg) , depthgadget (dg) , and dragbar (db). It will have spaces
- inbetween its gadgets (si). It will open on the topleft (tl) of the screen
- becoming active (a) when opened. */
- call topipe(' "Tutorial 2" v cg dg db si a tl')
- /* define the gadgets*/
- call topipe(' layout b 0 v')
- /* Labels are used to tell the user what information to enter in each gadget.
- These labels are unatached (ua) when they are defined so don't go directly
- into the GUI. Instead they are attached to the following gadget by the
- childlabel (chl) keyword. */
- call topipe(' label gt "Name: " ua')
- namegad=topipe('string chl')
- call topipe(' label gt "Age: " ua')
- agegad=topipe('integer chl minn 5 maxn 115 arrows defn 30 weiw 0')
- call topipe(' label gt "Sex: " ua')
- sexgad=topipe('radiobutton rl "Male|Female" chl')
- call topipe(' label gt "Knowledge: " ua')
- knogad=topipe('chooser pu cl "Novice|Average|Good|Expert" chl')
- call topipe(' label gt "Language(s): " ua')
- call topipe(' layout b 0 chl')
- basgad=topipe('checkbox gt "Basic " chl')
- aregad=topipe('checkbox gt "Arexx " chl')
- cgad=topipe('checkbox gt "C " chl')
- asmgad=topipe('checkbox gt "ASM " chl')
- call topipe(' le')
- call topipe(' le')
- call topipe(' layout si so')
- resgad= topipe('button gt "Reset Form" c')
- dongad= topipe('button gt "Done" c')
- cangad= topipe('button gt "Cancel" c')
- call topipe(' le')
- call topipe(' menu gt "Project |About|$! Tutorial 2 |$! AWNPipe: Example"')
- call topipe(' menu gt "Data|@AShow all data|Show part|$@PPersonal|$@SSkill"')
- /*open the GUI window*/
- call topipe("open")
- return
- printdata:
- /*show the value of all the gadgets*/
- say ' Name: 'name
- say ' Age: 'age
- say ' Sex: 'sex
- say 'Knowledge: 'knowledge
- if basic=1 then say ' Basic'
- if arexx=1 then say ' Arexx'
- if c=1 then say ' C'
- if asm=1 then say ' Asm'
- return
- topipe:
- /* this routine does error checking on lines written to pipe.*/
- /*get line to output*/
- parse arg out
- /* write to the pipe*/
- call writeln(ca,out)
- /*get responce and parse it.*/
- res=readln(ca)
- parse var res res1 res2 .
- /* if all is ok return the second part of the responce (usualy the GID)*/
- if res1='ok' then return(res2)
- /* something went wrong, we notify the user then exit */
- /*show problem line and responce (reponce may be just a blank line)*/
- say 'error from: 'out
- say ' responce: ' in
- exit